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Make Homemade Skin Lightner

Make Homemade Skin Lightner - Exfoliate the skin using a baking soda paste. Baking soda naturally lifts off dead skin and impurities, allowing the skin to reveal new, fresh skin. Massaging the skin with baking soda can also allow the pores to become unclogged, preventing the skin from having acne, which can result in acne scarring. To make a skin exfoliant using baking soda, combine 2 tbsp. baking soda with a drizzle of water until a soft paste results. Wet the face and gently massage the baking soda onto the skin for 30 seconds. Rinse well with water. You can use a baking soda exfoliant once per day.

Lighten the skin with a lemon juice toner. Lemon juice can lighten the skin by removing discolorations using its highly acidic properties. Lemon juice can be used on the skin full-strength. Simply soak a small cloth or cotton pad in lemon juice, then wipe it onto the face after washing. Let the lemon juice dry on the skin. Undiluted lemon juice can be used to lighten skin up to three times per day.
Massage the skin with vitamin E oil. Vitamin E oil is a highly nutrient-rich and emollient oil that will soften the skin, helping to slough off dead skin and balance the complexion. When dead skin and discolorations are removed, the skin will become lighter and brighter. Place a dollop of vitamin E oil onto the fingertips and massage the oil onto the areas of discoloration for around two minutes. Wipe away any excess oil using a soft cloth. Vitamin E oil can be used up to three times per day to lighten and soften the skin.

The skin can become discolored as a result of many circumstances, such as sun exposure, acne scarring or as a result of chemical burns from the overuse of skin-care products. Luckily, the skin can be lightened easily and naturally by using a few homemade skin lighteners. By using these natural lighteners routinely as a part of your skin-care regime, skin discolorations can be eliminated and the complexion can return to a balanced, even appearance. Does this Spark an idea?

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